Narrow Boating
It can be an unnerving thought travelling down the canal for the first time. However, you will be pleased to know that it is not difficult, and you are in safe hands as we are British Marine Federation accredited for Hire Boat Instruction and Handover Procedures. We will take exceptional care to make sure you receive all the training required for you and your crew to feel comfortable and safe. The training begins at home when you receive your information pack - plenty to read and watch so that you are ready for the start of your holiday.
Most of the training is done on your boat as you start your holiday. We take great pleasure in personally welcoming you aboard our modern, clean and well-maintained boats.
On your boat, you will find a comprehensive Boat Manual with Guide Books. For safety free life-jackets are issued to children, non-swimmers and anyone else who requests them.

Information Pack
A few weeks before your narrowboat hire holiday, we send you an Information Pack. This will contain: -
- The Canal and River Trust Boater's Handbook on DVD and a link to download the Boater's Handbook;
- Our holiday guide with details of your boat, arrival information, inventory and everything you need to know for your hire;
- Our route companion describing the waterways you will travel.

At the start of your holiday we will brief you on the boat, the waterway and canal etiquette. We will show you around the boat explaining how it works and tell you about daily checks that need to be made.

Before leaving you to enjoy your holiday we ask you to sign a Handover Certificate to confirm that you are happy with our instructions and briefing.

Then off you go to enjoy your holiday (accompanied by us if you require some help to guide you).